Sheng Han Tan

Sheng Han Tan

The author has dedicated more than 8 years of his life to studying and practicing things related law of attraction, spiritual forces, and energy healing. He is also familiar with chakras, energy work, and the other subtle forces ruling over the reality out of which Chi Manifestation has been born.

How to Practice Affirmations in Daily Life?

Practice affirmations

Key Takeaways Introduction Affirmations are powerful, yet straightforward, statements we repeat to ourselves to tap into the subconscious mind. Although they stem from ancient traditions, affirmations have become popular in today’s self-help and personal development circles. Unlike simple positive thinking,…

Mindfulness: How to Practice in Daily Life?

Mindfulness practice

Key Takeaways Introduction Mindfulness is the practice of acknowledging what you are feeling without judging the emotions or sensations. It is considered the fundamental human ability to be fully present, and aware of where we are and what we are doing, without…

7 Chakras: Significance, Colors and Corresponding Organs

Chakras in human body

Key Takeaways Introduction Have you ever experienced sudden exhaustion, emotional disarray, or spiritual disconnection? Perhaps the key to comprehending these imbalances lies in the concept of chakras. The body’s energy centers, or chakras, are frequently referred to as affecting one’s…